
Low-calorie diet: a simple principle, an effective result

The way you cook your food can provide a lot of calories. People who are overweight, or who are also losing energy and need it, require a high-calorie diet. But there is a special diet for those who exercise. Nor…

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Express” diets: quick weight loss but beware of the yo-yo effect!

To have a wasp waist, to become slim, is the dream of many women. Men, on the other hand, want to have the bodies of the most famous actors, which currently attract women. In order to achieve their dreams, they…

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Exclusion diets: restrictive and highly targeted programs

Today, the world population is suffering from obesity, and this affects women in particular. This is due in developed countries to the nature of the products consumed, whereas in underdeveloped countries such as those in Africa, it is due to…

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Dissociated diets: between timing and food associations

The dissociated diet is a method of losing weight. It does not force you to eat only one food category for a certain amount of time. No deprivation, you can eat everything you want according to very specific rules. Find…

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Detox diets: to purify, drain and detoxify!

After the holidays and vacations, most people feel very heavy inside, because of the excess of food ingested. For this reason, proposals are everywhere to purify, drain and detoxify the body: the detox diet. The detox diet: how it works…

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Secondary School Wrestling: Diet and Weight Loss Options

As wrestling season moves close, wrestlers start to ponder the weight class in which they may wrestle. Wrestlers regularly trust that they will be more focused at the most reduced weight they can reach without giving up their quality and…

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Why Most Diets Fail In The Long-Term

A far reaching audit of eating routine arrangements prompts various conclusions. There are numerous players in this business sector. It is presently is a multi-billion dollar industry around the world. Millions attempt this eating regimen and that eating routine yet…

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