So summer’s here and beach days are just around the corner and you still haven’t lost that weight you’ve been promising to shed since January. It’s time for drastic action and here’s a way to go down a whole dress size in just fourteen days. It’s Shapely Secrets, and if you’re still losing the bikini battle it’s time you learnt about this. Shapely Secrets is an amazing program which works quickly and dramatically but leaves you living a normal life while you shed those pounds. It’s a program which takes just 7 minutes a day using the patented Diametric Resistance techniques developed by Greer Childers. Shapely Secrets grew out of methods that Greer has developed for years. She first began teaching women her secrets twenty years ago in a program that took twenty minutes a day. Over the years she’s honed and developed the program until Shapely Secrets now takes just those seven short minutes each day but produces even better results.
Shapely Secrets works because it’s based on sound scientific principles. There are no untested herbal mixtures, obscure formulas or extreme diets. In the Diametric Resistance routine which is at the heart of Shapely Secrets, you work one muscle against another, standing still and flexing muscle against muscle. University studies have shown that Greer’s Shapely Secrets 7 Minute Workout is five times more effective than ordinary weight lifting for exercising muscles. In other words you would have to do a 35 minute workout at the gym to get the same benefit you can get in just seven minutes with Shapely Secrets.
Over the twenty years that Greer has been teaching her secrets, millions of women around the world have lost weight using this knowledge. Now that Greer has developed her new Shapely Secrets program for even more effective weight loss, this routine is on its way to becoming a global phenomenon. If you need to lose that winter weight fast, there’s no surer way of doing it than to order Shapely Secrets here and now and you’ll be slim and confident again when it’s time to hit the beach in a couple of weeks. The women who have used Greer’s secrets report that their lives have been transformed by what she taught them and you, too, can know discover these secrets in the new and enhanced Shapely Secrets program.Shapely Secrets Special Online Offer
This advanced program for weight loss is available now on this website for just two easy payments of $14.99. You’ll get two videos on DVD or VHS, a Motivational Audio CD, a Full Color Program Booklet, and a Shapely Makeover Secrets booklet. Also included are a measuring tape, a designer makeup bag and a fat burning multivitamin. You’ll also get a free trial sample of Essential Boost. There’s still time to lose those pounds before summer if you order Shapely Secrets now on this website.