Like any operation, weight-loss surgery carries a risk. This is why it is essential to consider the advantages and disadvantages of this technique before embarking on it. Having surgery to lose excess weight is indeed an effective solution to reduce health problems related to obesity, but it can also entail significant risks for the body. Find out what you need to know to help you make the right decisions.

Significant benefits in cases of morbid obesity

Numerous studies have already proven the dangers of obesity on health and the body: sleep apnea, diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disorders, back pain and even early osteoarthritis. In view of the risks entailed by this disease, it is imperative that a person suffering from morbid obesity think of all the methods to lose excess kilos. At this stage, obesity surgery is an unavoidable solution. Aimed at those with a BMI (body mass index) over 40, this procedure allows the patient to gradually lose excess weight while improving his or her quality of life. In the case of morbid obesity or severe obesity, balanced diets are no longer enough so considering bariatric surgery may be the best option to get out of the danger zone of obesity.

What are the risks associated with the procedure?

Regardless of the bariatric surgery technique used (gastric banding, sleeve-gastrectomy...), surgery to get rid of excess weight always represents a risk. The latter is all the more serious when the excess weight is significant. Indeed, such an operation can lead to problems such as pulmonary embolism, phlebitis (clot in a vein) or poor internal healing. Please note that when the follow-up is not optimal, several complications may also occur: problems related to the surgery and internal bleeding. Even if the surgery is successful, other complications may appear in the long term: stomach dilatation, vitamin deficiency, change in the position of the band or lack of weight loss. In order to reduce the risks and complications, several examinations are to be carried out before the operation: cardio and respiratory check-up, dietary advice, psychological follow-up...

Obesity surgery, good idea or bad idea?

In most cases, obesity is a problem directly related to the patient's eating habits or an emotional disorder. Despite the fact that bariatric surgery can greatly help you lose the extra pounds, sooner or later they will come back if you don't take care of your eating and emotional problems. Because of the risks involved, surgery should be a last resort. If a slimming program, treatment of emotional problems and intensive physical activity are ineffective, surgery may be an option.